how to link aadhaar card with ration card online
how to link Aadhar card with ration card online
{Online}Aadhar card link with ration card online West Bengal | 2021 very big news
Step by step discuss for Aadhaar card link with ration card online West Bengal
- First you have to be open site or Click here.
- In the home page you find a link name “Ration Card”,top left hand side of your browser.
- click on that link.
- then you will find “Apply Online” Option.
- Click on that “Apply Online” Option.
- Then you will find a link namely “Apply for updation of Mobile number and aadhar card for already exiting ration card{form-11}”.
- Click on that link.
- A new page will open up.
- Put your mobile number which have already link with your ration card.
- All details updates will so up and then put your Aadhar number and relevant documents .
- Just hit the submit button.
- If you do not know which mobile number is link with your ration card then click below link namely “I don’t know which mobile number I have in my Ration Card”.
- Select your category of ration card and put your ration card number.
- Details will show up.
4th Step
How to know is my Aadhaar card link with ration card online West Bengal ?
How can I check my Aadhaar card linked with ration card?
- First you have to be open site.
- On the top lest corner you will find “Ration Card option” ,Click here.
- Then you will find “Verify Ration Card{Verify e-RC/DRC}”option,Click here.
- A new page will open up.
- Put require data.
- Like Category of your Ration card,RC Number{Ration card number},Capcha Code.
- You will find all detils updates about your ration card ,like mobile number link with that card ,family head,aadhar number linking or no etc.
Aadhaar card link with ration card online West Bengal-অনলাইনে ছাড়াও এই কাজ {Aadhar card link with ration card} আপনি আরও তিন জায়গায় করতে পারবেন। ১) BSK– বাংলা সহয়তা কেন্দ্রে গিয়ে আপনি এই কাজটি করতে পারবেন। ২) ন্যায্য মূল্যের দোকান বা রেশন দোকানে। ৩) খাদ্য ও সরবরাহ দপ্তরের পরিদর্শকের অফিসে ফর্ম- ১১ জমা দিয়ে।
How link Aadhaar card to ration card in West Bengal?
All details step are discuss here.First go to PDS official website.You will find link here. Then click link my Aadhar with Ration card,put require details ,done.
How can I check my Aadhaar card linked with ration card?
Click and then click ration card option . where you find a link Verify Ration Card{Verify e-RC/DRC},Click that link, a provide required data. Now you able to see all details about your ration card.
How can I check my ration card details in West Bengal?
2.Click Inquiry bottom top left hand side.
3.Select form type.
4.Enter Full (16/10 Digit) Application Number (Barcode Number) or Enter 10 digit Mobile No.
5.Click Captcha Code.
6.Click Search button.
Another step for linking Aaadhaar with Ration card ?
By visiting nearest BSK center. or CSC center ( I think)
Can i able to link my Aadhaar card with Ration Card in my Nearest Ration shop?